The Horizon MASTERS - Professional Orientation Test was developed in Greece, taking into account the Greek educational system and aiming to assess the professional interests of Greek students. Through the sum of its 190 questions, it distinguishes 6 professional types and 38 professional sub-categories, more than any other related test available in Greece.
Student candidates obtain valid and detailed information for all the Postgraduate Programmes that best suit their needs and preferences.
The test consists of 190 simple questions that describe various professional activities, the answers to which do not require special knowledge. As a user, you will be asked to state, on a 6-point scale, the degree to which you would be interested in engaging professionally in each of these activities in the future. The questions adequately represent 38 Occupational Categories and the resulting 6 Professional Types they belong to.
Finally, the platform will determine your degree of interest in the 38 Professional Categories, depending on the type each one belongs to, as well as the 5 Highest and 5 Lowest Categories, based on your preferences.
Horizon MASTERS will help you discover your professional interests and then guide you accordingly through all the relevant Postgraduate Scientific Programs, both in Greece and abroad.
Responsible for the development of the questionnaire is Dr. Georgia A. Koumoundourou, PhD in Professional Counseling from the University of Athens, holder of a Postgraduate Diploma in "Counseling and Professional Orientation" from the Faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy & Psychology of the University of Athens. She is a Professor, Graduate of the University of Athens Faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy & Psychology, with a major in Psychology. Her scientific collaborator in the development and validation of the assessment instrument is Dr. Ioannis Tsaousis, Associate Professor of Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Crete, in Rethymno.